Grep-Cat™ Narrow Casting Digital Signage Software Suite
Grep-Cat™ our Digital Signage Software is a future-oriented narrowcasting solution. Our content management system is fully intuitive; users quickly understand how it works and are able to quickly put together a professional presentation. The software is web-based, which means that users can update their digital signage screens 24/7 from any location. In the online environment, users can control 1 to 100 plus digital signage screens across all locations around the world.
Grep-Cat™ Signage Software gives users operational flexibility in sourcing content. Users can use the tools that they are familiar with to create content. Upload files or use streaming links or URLs to load the content. Thanks to the lightweight MQTT protocol, content is quickly synced and stored locally to ensure uninterrupted operation of the player. In case the internet connection is slow or down, the Digital Signage Software keeps playing its current configuration. Once the connection is restored, content updates will be synced, if required.
Grep-Cat™ your Narrow Casting and Digital Signage Software
Narrowcasting, also called Digital Signage, is the opposite of broadcasting. Broadcasting is intended for a wide audience whereas Narrow Casting caters to a specific group or locale. Grep-Cat™ ensures that target groups are reached with controlled content on information Displays, Information Kiosks, LED Displays, Video-walls and signs.
Our Grep-Cat™ Software is intended for companies that want to realize professional digital signage configurations. Thanks to the large number of unique features and possibilities in Grep-Cat™, you can create presentations in an instant. Whether in a corporate, educational, leisure or retail setting, everyone can benefit from effective communication through your media channels.
Grep-Cat™ Software Features

Our Grep-Cat™ Software is a complete narrow casting solution with many features such as built-in Templates, Screen Layouts, Triggers, Ticker-tape, Calendar-style content scheduling, Live video, and Web content. Cloud based hardware accelerated standalone players and task-specific programs get the best out of the Grep-Cat™ players and software. This ensures smooth HD videos & streaming content. With Grep-Cat™ software, integration with external systems and adding new functionalities is easy to achieve. For the Casino, Arcade and Gaming industry, Grep-Cat™ Software integrates with most OEM peripherals as with our own Jackpot Controller. Grep-Cat™ interfaces with most Player Tracking and Accounting systems and Signs.
Omni Channel Grep-Cat™

Broadcast Promotional Clips, Live Source Video, Jackpot Information and Other Data via Any Media Outlet (Audio, Video & Environmental). Grep-Cat™ supports wide-area configurations up to a global level. Show your event schedules, Meeting room rosters. An API assures integration with other systems.
Grep-Cat™ Functions and Features
Accessible through any internet browser.
Manage screens from any PC, at any location. Access screens separately, per group, or all screens at once. Create an unlimited number of users. Assign various user roles to users. Create audit users to approve content before publication.
View the status of all screens remotely.
Ability to import existing content. Easily schedule content by means of our extensive planning function. Share content/templates with other users. Easily categorize content. In case of an internet outage, your screens will always keep running.
Hotel, Reception and Guest Services
Our software comes with pre-defined asset profiles for slotmachines, cardshufflers, chippercahmps, roulette wheels, signs and cash-machines. Our profiles can predict your next problem so you can fix it before it is added to the downtime of your gaming floor.
Way Finding Kiosks
Help your guests navigate through your resort and provide them with directions through the wayfinder module. Multi-Touch interface, supports multiple floors and is Multi-lingual.
Outdoor Marquees
Communicate your message in- and outdoors. Grep-Cat™ is compatible with Daktronics, Barco, D3 systems, Optec and many others.
Backoffice, Company News and Human Resource
Multiple Business Challenges, One single Platform: Grep-Cat™.
Communicate Company News, Briefings on policies and procedures as well as Job listings or other important internal messages.
Slots and Live Gaming Displays
Support your table operations by letting Grep-Cat™ communicate opening and closing of gaming tables. Show table minimum and maximum bets, dealer name, highlight Game rules and show result and trend data on Roulette, Poker and Blackjack. Grep-Cat™ interfaces with all manufacturers of Card-shufflers, Chip sorting machines and Roulette wheels.
Your Displays Connected Globally
Manage all your media across multiple sites with Grep-Cat™ and assure brand consistency in all your properties. Connect an unlimited number of media-players and enjoy an expert tool with basic knowledge. Whenever you are ready, we will create a dedicated server of your choice for your organisation, ensuring military grade encryption across all communications.
So, how do I start using Grep_Cat?
Just order a Grep-Cat™ player from our webshop (here), we will create an account for you and as soon as power up our player and you connect your Grep-Cat™ player to any screen you can log in and you are ready to go!
Any Monitor / TV / Display / Video-wall with an HDMI port will work. Or leave us a message on our contact page so we can demo the system for you online.