Grep-Cat™ our Digital Signage Software is a future-oriented narrowcasting solution. Our content management system is fully intuitive; users quickly understand how it works and are able to quickly put together a professional presentation. The software is web-based, which means that users can update their digital signage screens 24/7 from any location. In the online environment, users can control 1 to 100 plus digital signage screens across all locations around the world.

Grep-Cat™ Signage Software gives users operational flexibility in sourcing content. Users can use the tools that they are familiar with to create content. Upload files or use streaming links or URLs to load the content. Thanks to the lightweight MQTT protocol, content is quickly synced and stored locally to ensure uninterrupted operation of the player. In case the internet connection is slow or down, the Digital Signage Software keeps playing its current configuration. Once the connection is restored, content updates will be synced, if required.


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